Thursday, August 27, 2009


The Doctor is back in--everyone is entitiled to a vacation--Mr. O went on one--Doctors deserve time off--since soon they will be making minimum wage--so is my story tonight--thank the heavens for Teddy Kennedy and minimum wage--or we would have NO doctors about 3 years from now.

So I cannot take this Teddy Kennedy sainthood crap--it is a MAJOR JOKE--so here u go--facts!!

Why would anyone admire Edward Kennedy—are the American people this unaware of his record??

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth—grew up in Hyannisport—ever been there?? Pretty nice place..Daddy was very rich--supposedly made alot of money with Al Capone (yes that Al Capone) and bought an Ambassadorship to the UK right before WW2--and supported Mr. Hitler--what a guy!! he was removed from that position shortly thereafter)--so Teddy did come from a very wealthy and rich family..

Teddy Was accepted into Harvard—HOW?? BECAUSE HIS FATHER BOUGHT HIM INTO THE SCHOOL—so what did little Teddy do—HE CHEATED AND GOT THROWN OUT OF SCHOOL-graduated from some another college—that his DADDY got him into--Wesleyan University (where is that at) —check it out its true!!

Next, he went to law school—think he went back to Harvard?? No chance!! Yale?? Forget it—Penn—not a chance—so he went to the University of Virginia—good job Teddy—Cheat at Harvard—get thrown out—but somehow—with Daddy’s help—he got into Virginia—(would love to see HIS REAL LSAT scores).

So now the brothers get killed—very unfortunate. So Teddy boy runs for the Senate in Massachusetts—winning after two dead Kennedy’s is equivalent of using your own bathroom when you want—so he gets elected to the Senate—Now let take a look at the big points AFTER his election.

First big point is that he starts to drink and womanize a bit---I cant get on him too bad for this--its part of the senate process—after two dead brothers assassinated—think of the stories he can tell women about how sad he is!! So he does—and he has many--one of which is this young attractive woman called Mary Jo Kopechne, 28 years old!!
Here is a 28-year-old smart and beautiful woman who is left in a car to drown while Teddy swims to shore..there is NO report for 2 days—and SOMEHOW—AND DADDY KNOWS—HE SOMEHOW GETS AWAY WITH MURDER!! If this was u or me we would not have spent the last 50 years in the US Senate but in jail—he left the scene of an accident and never tried to go and get poor Mary Jo.. I am sure the ultimate criminal Joe Kennedy cut a deal with the family that was disgusting—so Teddy –with that stupid brace around his neck parades around DC about how confused he was—HE WAS DRUNK! And you know what he said shortly after her death—and this is a quote from Teddy, “ I will never forget this, every day, for the rest of my life”—I wonder if Mary Jo and basically leaving her for death is what he thought about the rest of his life—I hope so.

His life in the Senate—basically a major loser:

Supports the Vietnam War and President Johnson—what an accomplishment!!
Johnson punts in 1968 ( and after Bobby is assasinated) and NIXON wins—who did he support?? Yes u guessed it—HHH (Hupert H. Humprey)—GOOD JOB TEDDY—loser again..
Nixon is re-elected thru the Watergate scandal—Teddy knows but its too close to MARY JO AND CHAPPAQUIDDICK ISLAND—SO TEDDY STAYS VERY QUIET!—VERY QUIET! He could have blown up Nixon but knew that he was not a very viable source.
CARTER is elected in 1976—he supports him—DAH—and he wins—Gerald Ford was half dead during the campaign. And there WAS Watergate!
In 1980, Teddy decides to run in the primary against Carter—Roger Mudd, a CBS real journalist—(when CBS didn t have people who discussed cooking during prime time (i.e.Koric the Today show cooking host)), asked him the IMPORTANT question about Mary Jo—Teddy froze and lost the primary. Carter gets the nomination—TEDDY LOSES AGAIN..
Reagan wins in a landslide after Teddy rips him a new one at the convention—GOOD JOB TEDDY—loser again!
Reagan wins in the GREATEST LANDSLIDE IN US HISTORY IN 1984—Teddy invisible—u know why—because he knew he blew it when he ripped Reagan and he knew that he should keep his mouth shut. Loser again!!
George W. Bush gets elected in 1984 against—yes u guessed it—against a Governor from Massachusetts (that IS Teddy’s home state)—the Greek and Tank driver—Dukokis—I guess Teddy just couldn’t help an old buddy—LOSER AGAIN!
Clinton wins because of crazy Perot in 1988—Clinton disses the far left (smart) and lets Jesse Jackson swing in the wind—Teddy doesn’t know what to do?? Clinton does---he says he LOVES JFK!! Teddy loses again—outsmarted..
Clinton wins again—Teddy takes credit—joke!! The person responsible for getting Bill re-elected was Bill Gates and the young intern (at least Bill didn’t have her killed). Teddy invisible.
In 2004, Teddy supports again—his buddy John “Herman Munster” Kerry—Hey Teddy—thanks for the help—George BUSH wins again—George Bush—not the old man but George W?? was that possible?? Teddy a loser again..
Now in 2008, Teddy turns on Hilary and supports the most clueless President since William Henry Harrison (he served 31 days—the shortest in history—so, basically, he couldn’t do any harm.) So-finally Teddy is a winner—getting Obama elected. But it will turn out that Hilary would have been a much better President than Mr. Obama. Teddy will go down in history as a loser again.
So there is my impression of Teddy’s life—a major loser in everything he has done—the silver spoon protecting him all the way. This crap about his contribution to all of the important pieces of legislation is a joke—he was probably into the JACK when all this happen.

God Bless His Soul—He will NEED it!

Doctors Hours are over---------------------i need a rest- Teddy Kennedy?? Thats what white hair does for u!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Sick Foreign Policy and Obama causing horses to lose their jobs as well as people in the USA!

The Doctor is now in and has many patients in his waiting room.

Can u believe the foreign policy mess & sickness this administration has gotten us into in six short months—its like they have let loose the swine flu in the White House.

Patients in the waiting room include Russia, North Korea, Iran, Israel, Afghanistan, Honduras, and a very sick person from Canada (who I believe needs a psychiatrist). So under Obamacare, I can break privacy rights and discuss my patients—let start with Russia.

Dr. Moriarity: What bothers you today?

Mr. Russia: Joe Biden

Dr. Moriarity: and why?

Mr. Russia: Because Biden says we will be at the mercy of the USA since our economy is so screwed up! And we wont be able to make you guys take down your missile defenses so we blow Poland off the face of the earth if you guys really give us any grief!!

Dr. Moriarity: Oh, you know Joe—he is somewhat confused over our foreign policy—he believes he is the Secretary of State sometimes—a Senator sometimes and sometimes he thinks he IS the President!!

Mr. Russia: But Biden IS the Vice President!!

Dr. Moriarity: Are you kidding—he just thinks he is the Vice President—he can’t be the Vice President—he is from Delaware!! You know how much toxic waste has been thrown into the Delaware river the last 50 years by that great chemical giant who lives there!! Joe has been drinking that water his whole life..

Mr. Russia: Well, Doc, if you say so—so who is in charge!!

Dr. Moriarity: Mrs. Clinton of course—after all you do know she has 27 multi-colored pants suits!! And she says: “We view Russia as a great power”—said it on a very important TV show here in the states—Meet the Press!. Now I will give you she never defines who WE are but she meant it!! (I really think she meant her and Chelsea during a game of RISK!) Even if Biden was running around places he shouldn’t have been last week like Georgia and the Ukraine—places I know you don’t like us to visit! So I wouldn’t get upset over this cause she went onto say—“It would be diplomatic malpractice not to have people of stature and experience handling policy”—WHOA –that’s serious stuff—I just don’t know who she was talking about. But I can assure u it was not Biden!

Mr. Russia: Well—u guys, including Clinton, better get yourself together—because, getting back to Georgia and the Ukraine, President Medvedev said “we don’t think its right to drag certain countries into military and political alliances against the will of their people”. And let me tell you doctor, he said it on of our very important TV shows—NTV Television (not MTV stupid). I guess, Doctor, we will just have to wait and see..

Dr. Moriarity: Well Mr. Russia—here is your prescription—two bottles of Vodka daily—and take a trip to a warm weather port in the Caribbean.

Mr. Russia: Thank you Doctor

So sports fans—the Doctor dealt effectively with this problem—next in was Mr. North Korea—a really crazy guy who thinks he is on MAD TV.

Dr. Moriarity: What bothers you today?

Mr. North Korea: Joe Biden

Dr. Moriarity: Oh come on—Joe Biden doesn’t have anything to do with North Korea—its one of the few countries he hasn’t screwed up in talking about yet because he hasn’t said anything about you.

Mr. North Korea: That’s the problem—we are trying to cause a problem and Biden is perfect for this but he isn’t around—

Dr. Moriarity: Well what can I say—u can’t have everything—u have missiles—and are a dictator of your country—and u are working on nukes—and are scaring half the world to death!!

Mr. North Korea: That all may be true but we would like Biden involved—

Dr. Moriarity: Sorry can't help you there? I see that our President has really reached out to you for talks—he even sent his favorite schoolgirl to South Korea to try to appease you.

Mr. North Korea: we don’t want to talk to Pat—that’s her name right? Wasn’t she on Saturday night live?

Dr. Moriarity: No, No her name is Mrs. Clinton

Mr. North Korea: Well that’s your opinion—our opinion is that we are always mad at the USA—Obama/shwma---we don’t care about what he says and will continue to threaten you, shoot missiles around and bother everyone else except our friends in China—we always get on CNN when we do that—and Wolf loves us, it IS something for us to do.

And let this be straight Doctor—we are part of the evil empire..and we like it—so don’t screw with us!!

Dr. Moriarity: Mr. NK, I am not going to argue with u anymore—but I do have a prescription for u-- your prescription is to get a few nice suits—something that would fit u better than that green thing u wear and also get yourself a barber and literally kill your current one—every time we see you, it appears u just crawled out of bed. A pair of new glasses wouldn’t hurt either.

Nurse: Doctor the next patient is the guy whose name u can’t pronounce—

Doctor: Don’t worry –we’ll just call him Mr. Iranajob for short!

Dr. Moriarity: so what brings you in today??

Mr. Iranajob: Are u Jewish??

Dr. Moriarity: Of course I am not Jewish--u wouldn’t come to me if I was Jewish?
--except if u wanted me dead..

Mr. Iranajob: Yeah, Yeah --Look doc I am coming here because ms. Iran 2006, one of my many girlfriends in the harem, is telling me she glows in the dark

Dr. Moriarity: Well--Iranajob--this doesn't sound good--what does ms Iran 2006 have to say
for her self..

Mr. Iranajob: That’s the tough part Doc--she is dead-didn’t survive the weekend up north at the IPS.

Dr. Moriarity: Iranajob--what is the IPS? ?

Mr. Iranajob: What are u stupid doc--it’s the Iranian Plutonium Spa—The IPS--all of us hang out up there—u know-- near the plutonium “ENERGY” plant.

Dr. Moriarity

Oh--of course--I guess u didn't go there for the "waters" like Rick did in Casablanca—

Mr. Iranajob: 

don't be a smart ass doc--I thought she was having a good time --week later she just dropped over and died—local folks told she lit up like a Iranian Christmas tree during one of our 200 jihad holy days.

Dr. Moriarity--Well--lets worry about u—but first of all where are u guys getting the plutonium—your scientists don’t seem smart enough to pull that off themselves—

Mr. Iranajob: You are correct on that one—they can’t—in reality doc and the ironic thing about this –is that we get the plutonium from subsidies from the USA-

Dr. Moriarity: Come on Iranajob—Obama’s not that naive

Mr. Iranajob:Really?? Don’t be too sure about that-- u guys have borrowed so much money from China that they are discounting the interest payments that you pay them and pass on the plutonium at one hell of discount—kind of like that “clunker” incentive u guys have going on with those crummy American cars u sell—the tax payers end of subsidizing our plutonium purchases—same with the North Koreans—u really don’t think they have a clue how to develop a plutonium weapon—have u ever seen that guys hair??

Dr. Moriarity: Well, that is a very interesting and dismaying point—but back to u--my diagnosis is that u have radioactive plutonium poisoning.

Mr. Iranajob:

No way--we r just lighting up our streets and watering the plants with that stuff.

Dr. Moriarity: Iranajob--I don't think so-
So as u get gray and begin to die I suggest a tie when ur on TV--or even a bowtie--cause u just look a bit too casual when us Americans see u on TV--which is not good + takes away ur credibility—particularly when you are threatening to wipe Israel off the map and threaten to launch a nuclear weapon—without the tie, people think it’s a joke..

What a busy day in the office and for those of you still following along—there is one important issue that I must bring to your attention that has been mentioned in my HEADLINE.

Obama is now putting horses out of work—those police officers u often see at Yankee stadium and on the streets of some major cities r losing their jobs because of the economy—(the story appeared in the Wall Street Journal last week)--horses in Boston, Toledo (yes Toledo), Baltimore and Cleveland have lost their jobs—this is terrible—so in addition to people losing their jobs because of Obama—he is now eliminating horse jobs—(of course those horses making over $250,000 are excluded from the job losses). So the horses are going to private people or to farms (and u know the farm story—when I was a kid, my mom told me she was taking Snuggles, our dog, to the farm so he would be “happier”---somehow, I don’t think Snuggles ended up “happier”—just like these horses—who most are on their way to Mc Donald’s. So-- enjoy your Quarter Pounders with Cheese this week—particularly the Double Quarter Pounders if they are running specials.

We will get to Afghanistan, Honduras and the dumb Canadian shortly!!

Doctor Hours are over!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obamagate and Mr. Obama -- soothsayer and magician--

The Doctor is now in!

And the last time I checked , the first amendment and freedom of speech were still in effect---some of my readers don’t like that amendment –so to the case of the week!

I can't resist--what on God's green earth was Mr. Obama talking about the other night.

---Tonsillectomies, or lack there of, are destroying the health care system and putting it into a death spiral--hey I'm the doctor and he is absolutely clueless about health care and what he is talking about--why, because his plan will cost everyone more money, destroy the quality of healthcare in the USA—ration the care that people deserve—prejudice the old people (can they please die soon is at the core of the plan!) and privacy – what drugs u take and what diseases you have will now be known by the GOVERNMENT!!

By the way--we have, in this great country, the highest quality Health Care and Clinical Research in the world—if we left the discovery of critical drugs and procedures to the Europeans over the past 50 years – we would be fortunate to have certain antibiotics today.

But soothsayer Obama knows all and he now wants to run the Health Care system—a lawyer from Harvard thinks he actually is “Doctor knows best”.. Can anyone really imagine the nightmare of Government calling the shots on who gets what—and when and how much ?? and what disease or how sick u really are?? And knowing it all?? About each one of us—Would you like me to tell you about all of my patients diseases and what drugs they take?? Well that’s what u would be getting!

But now you can look under the other shell--- He doesn't care about u--he cares about elections--if he controls the doctors—and he controls health care –then HE controls elections--and the good old democratic USA will go down the drain--and during his rambling nonsensical talk he is beginning to sense that the American people r starting to figure him out--SO, he does the two things he always does when he gets in trouble--blame Bush for the unneeded tonsillectomies and play the race card—this time not with the Clintons--but with his good buddy professor Dumbgate—on a PLANTED question from a reporter from the Chicago Tribune—(check it out—the White House called her the day before and told her she would get a question—toward the end of the press conference and would it please have something to do with some domestic dispute in Cambridge—for those disbelievers—she admitted to having the call)—but lets get back to the Professor—

Professor Dumbgate broke into his own house--(which was robbed two weeks ago) and--oh no--the police showed up!!! This is a terrible thing. A neighbor actually noticed and cared..

Then he started screaming and calling out the cop's mother!! (Spewing cries of 'ur mama' were heard from Dumgates mouth--but after all he IS A professor and Obama's good friend from the bastion of super intelligence --that being Harvard University..Lucky for the professor that he wasn’t driving a car—because it probably would have been a DUI –I mean did u catch his mug shot at the police station??

So Obama had to change the subject and get off of Health Care--- so he decided what he always has decided to do when he gets in a fix—play the POOR ME race card and then proceeded to answer like the junior person he is—Obama’s position--a black attacked unjustly by a white policeman--the Manchurian candidate couldn't resist--but he had NO FACTS- he didn’t have the fact that the other policeman on the scene was a blackman -so what is it with Gates—is he an opportunist—why would u just show him your ID—be respectful and everyone could have gone home and had another beer—BUT NO!! he had to have his day! Is Gates credible??(my research has shown that Gates has proclaimed he is the FIRST black man to graduate from Cambridge University in the UK—this is an inaccurate statement and he knows it because there is a black professor from MIT who graduated in the late 90’s when Gates was at the other Ivy league school—Yale! Credible--very questionable!

Now here I am in Boston—watching Mr. Obama have a surprise press conference the next day trying to justify his "calibration"--?? He is now on TV trying to explain his way out of the race issue that he started and suggested it is one of those “learning” moments—WHAT learning moement--for him??? Bottom line –the cop was doing his job—and the Professor was out of control..But during that ridiculous press conference the former ousted dictator from Honduras—Mr.Zelaya ( another friend of Obama)-- is trying to break back into Honduras and is at the border—nothing from the press here--I suppose dumbgate was more important—Honestly—this was happening at the very same moment..what is he thinking about?

At the same time thru all of this Obama is also becoming a very proficient magician--he is making jobs disappear--he is not saving them and he sure isn't creating them-and his ridiculous health care bill--which the mental giant speaker of the house says she will get thru the house will also make more jobs disappear--what a guy--my prescription is that he goes to Europe or the middle east again and gives one his saintly unsubstantive diatribes about nothing--just get him out of here and put Biden in charge for awhile-he is equally clueless but at least he's funny.

One more thing that is not funny at all—and that is the fact that 37 Americans have died in July in Obama’s war in Afghanistan— the largest number of killed servicemen in a month in 3 years--when is the press going to pick up this story—the last 8 years—we received the update—daily!

Doctor hours are finally over!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Irish Cream Sweetener at Wa Wa's ans Sotomoyor--what do they have in common?

The Doctor is in!!

Have you ever wondered why there is never any Irish Cream sweetener at Wa Wa's at the coffee counter--well, I have researched this--Sherlock's brother Mycroft gets coffee at Wa Wa's --he fills one cup with coffee and another big cup he fills with Irish sweetener to bring home with him--he not only does it himself but he brings his wife to do the same thing--so basically he takes home like a pint and a half of this stuff--thats why u cant find any of this stuff at the coffee counter--

NOW--what does this have to do with Sotomoyor?? Its the money that she and our august group of moronic senators who also wasted and stole money from the US citizens the past week--this condescending "wise Latino" never answered any questions and this group of senators never asked any really important and pertinent questions--so instead of just having the vote the first day--they played "CHARADES" for 4 days--probably cost the tax payers 10 million dollars. Did anyone really think she was going to deal with the New Haven issue or the "wise Latino" comment? And, did anyone think that the brave intellectual Senators were going to ask a tough question and jeopardize the Hispanic vote in their states?? LET THE DOCTOR ANSWER--NO WAY!! So why do we go thru this "joke" and waste everyone's time and money.
Is anyone, anytime with any issue--going to step up and say something courageously!! The DOCTOR SUGGESTS U DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH--BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH--cause it is not going to happen..

Just like Mycroft taking the Irish Cream--the idiots at Wa Wa dont sell the stuff--so he fills up the pint containers with Irish cream and takes it home..


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mc Donalds at the White House

The Doctor is now in:

Someone wrote to me that I have a Sherlock Holmes silhouette in the background with a Dr. Moriarity signature--like NO KIDDING or NO S___ Sherlock!! we are trying to be a bit creative here!! I know who they both are!!

Anyway, back to Mc Donalds!! Have the Obama's put a Mc Donald's franchise into the White House?? and a cigarette vending machine??
Has anyone noticed that Mrs. Obama is on an eating binge--she's about twice the size as she was in October---now that the Big Mac has arrived --she must be putting in  the DOUBLE QUARTER POUNDER WITH CHEESE order a few times a day--how else can she have gotten so big so fast!!

and for the cigarettes--Mr. INSHAPE is under so much pressure that he is up to visiting the Marlboro Man at least two packs a day--how else can u explain why he is getting SKINNIER!!

Anyway--check her out--and him--the two biggest scourges of Health Care was smoking in the 70' and 80's and EATING in the 90's and the new century!!

The Doctor is not happy about this!!  SO............

Doctor hours are over!

Mc Donalds at the White House

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our successful "reset"---forgot to push button!

The Doctor is in!!

OK, when is the last time we have had a worse trip abroad as a country---The president looked a "bit" out of place (like "What am i doing here with these important guys?)  standing next to the Russians and basically gets nothing accomplished on his BIG trip to reset our relationship with the Russians--except being lectured by Mr. Putin!!  he then goes onto insult the USA again by saying that the credit for ending the cold war was not the confidence and leadership of Ronald Reagan but the people in the old USSR--where does he get his history from--talk about bizarre comments..
On Biden--WOW--they are going to have to put him in a box soon--he keeps telling the truth aka--WE DONT KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING!! so between the two of them making strange comments and getting nothing done moved the market down closer to that 8000 mark..The economic recovery is in the distance--..
also--where is Hilary Clinton?? we haven't heard from her in a while-- have we--Bad Elbow??right!!

Think she and the president are getting along?? I DONT THINK SO!!
Hilary will not last in this job and will resign within 2 years to run for the White House in 2012!! she will not accept such a subservient position for 4 years--its not in her blood.

The Doctor will be back shortly!!