So I cannot take this Teddy Kennedy sainthood crap--it is a MAJOR JOKE--so here u go--facts!!
Why would anyone admire Edward Kennedy—are the American people this unaware of his record??
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth—grew up in Hyannisport—ever been there?? Pretty nice place..Daddy was very rich--supposedly made alot of money with Al Capone (yes that Al Capone) and bought an Ambassadorship to the UK right before WW2--and supported Mr. Hitler--what a guy!! he was removed from that position shortly thereafter)--so Teddy did come from a very wealthy and rich family..
Teddy Was accepted into Harvard—HOW?? BECAUSE HIS FATHER BOUGHT HIM INTO THE SCHOOL—so what did little Teddy do—HE CHEATED AND GOT THROWN OUT OF SCHOOL-graduated from some another college—that his DADDY got him into--Wesleyan University (where is that at) —check it out its true!!
Next, he went to law school—think he went back to Harvard?? No chance!! Yale?? Forget it—Penn—not a chance—so he went to the University of Virginia—good job Teddy—Cheat at Harvard—get thrown out—but somehow—with Daddy’s help—he got into Virginia—(would love to see HIS REAL LSAT scores).
So now the brothers get killed—very unfortunate. So Teddy boy runs for the Senate in Massachusetts—winning after two dead Kennedy’s is equivalent of using your own bathroom when you want—so he gets elected to the Senate—Now let take a look at the big points AFTER his election.
First big point is that he starts to drink and womanize a bit---I cant get on him too bad for this--its part of the senate process—after two dead brothers assassinated—think of the stories he can tell women about how sad he is!! So he does—and he has many--one of which is this young attractive woman called Mary Jo Kopechne, 28 years old!!
Here is a 28-year-old smart and beautiful woman who is left in a car to drown while Teddy swims to shore..there is NO report for 2 days—and SOMEHOW—AND DADDY KNOWS—HE SOMEHOW GETS AWAY WITH MURDER!! If this was u or me we would not have spent the last 50 years in the US Senate but in jail—he left the scene of an accident and never tried to go and get poor Mary Jo.. I am sure the ultimate criminal Joe Kennedy cut a deal with the family that was disgusting—so Teddy –with that stupid brace around his neck parades around DC about how confused he was—HE WAS DRUNK! And you know what he said shortly after her death—and this is a quote from Teddy, “ I will never forget this, every day, for the rest of my life”—I wonder if Mary Jo and basically leaving her for death is what he thought about the rest of his life—I hope so.
His life in the Senate—basically a major loser:
• Supports the Vietnam War and President Johnson—what an accomplishment!!
• Johnson punts in 1968 ( and after Bobby is assasinated) and NIXON wins—who did he support?? Yes u guessed it—HHH (Hupert H. Humprey)—GOOD JOB TEDDY—loser again..
• Nixon is re-elected thru the Watergate scandal—Teddy knows but its too close to MARY JO AND CHAPPAQUIDDICK ISLAND—SO TEDDY STAYS VERY QUIET!—VERY QUIET! He could have blown up Nixon but knew that he was not a very viable source.
• CARTER is elected in 1976—he supports him—DAH—and he wins—Gerald Ford was half dead during the campaign. And there WAS Watergate!
• In 1980, Teddy decides to run in the primary against Carter—Roger Mudd, a CBS real journalist—(when CBS didn t have people who discussed cooking during prime time (i.e.Koric the Today show cooking host)), asked him the IMPORTANT question about Mary Jo—Teddy froze and lost the primary. Carter gets the nomination—TEDDY LOSES AGAIN..
• Reagan wins in a landslide after Teddy rips him a new one at the convention—GOOD JOB TEDDY—loser again!
• Reagan wins in the GREATEST LANDSLIDE IN US HISTORY IN 1984—Teddy invisible—u know why—because he knew he blew it when he ripped Reagan and he knew that he should keep his mouth shut. Loser again!!
• George W. Bush gets elected in 1984 against—yes u guessed it—against a Governor from Massachusetts (that IS Teddy’s home state)—the Greek and Tank driver—Dukokis—I guess Teddy just couldn’t help an old buddy—LOSER AGAIN!
• Clinton wins because of crazy Perot in 1988—Clinton disses the far left (smart) and lets Jesse Jackson swing in the wind—Teddy doesn’t know what to do?? Clinton does---he says he LOVES JFK!! Teddy loses again—outsmarted..
• Clinton wins again—Teddy takes credit—joke!! The person responsible for getting Bill re-elected was Bill Gates and the young intern (at least Bill didn’t have her killed). Teddy invisible.
• In 2004, Teddy supports again—his buddy John “Herman Munster” Kerry—Hey Teddy—thanks for the help—George BUSH wins again—George Bush—not the old man but George W?? was that possible?? Teddy a loser again..
• Now in 2008, Teddy turns on Hilary and supports the most clueless President since William Henry Harrison (he served 31 days—the shortest in history—so, basically, he couldn’t do any harm.) So-finally Teddy is a winner—getting Obama elected. But it will turn out that Hilary would have been a much better President than Mr. Obama. Teddy will go down in history as a loser again.
• So there is my impression of Teddy’s life—a major loser in everything he has done—the silver spoon protecting him all the way. This crap about his contribution to all of the important pieces of legislation is a joke—he was probably into the JACK when all this happen.
God Bless His Soul—He will NEED it!
Doctors Hours are over---------------------i need a rest- Teddy Kennedy?? Thats what white hair does for u!
well done Doctor. very humorous. really enjoying your stuff!